Universitaet Innsbruck

Institut fuer Informatik

Seminar "Vertiefungsseminar" (SE 2.0)

Cloud, Edge und IoT Computing


Die folgende Liste ist lediglich eine Sammlung der möglichen Themen für das Seminar. Themen in roter Farbe sind neue Themen. Seminarthemen können auch von Studierenden vorgeschlagen werden. Die genaue Festlegung der Themen und der Zeiten erfolgt in der Vorbesprechung!

Serverless Computing A decentralized framework for serverless edge cmputing in the IoT
On the FaaS Track: Buidling stateful distributed applications with serverless architectures
Kalix: high performance microservices and APIs with no operations required
eigr: A serverless runtime on the BEAM (stateful services)
A practical declarative programming framework for serverless computing, by Shannon Joyner et al.
FaaSm: Lightweight isolation for efficient stateful serverless computing
Backend as a Service (BaaS)
Google cloud dataflow
AWS glue 
google App Engine
PyWren and numpywren
FaaSM: lightweight isolation for efficient stateful serverless computing
notification services: AWS SNS, AWS SQS, etc.
Interoperabilität Interoperability in Internet of Things: Taxonomies and Open Challenges
Semantic Interoperability
Next generation service interface to achieve interoperability for distributed systems (NGSI)
FIWARE: The open source platform for our smart digital future
Formal foundations of serverless computing, by Abhinav Jangda et al.
Cloud Integration Hubs: integrate data through batch, real-time and events over the Cloud
Serverless Workflows workflowpatterns.com
Apache Airflow
Fireworks dynamic workflow system
Lithops workflow system
Nextflow reactive workflow framework
RADICAL-Cybertools: Building blocks for middleware for workflow systems
Parsl: phython library for programming and executing data oriented workflows in parallel
Flux: the workflow of workflows
Serverless workflow: https://serverlessworkflow.io
Apache Flink stateful functions
Fogflow (NEC)
Azzure IoT Edge
Amazon Greengrass
Workflows with Microsoft LogicApps
Workflows with Azzure Durable Functions
Workflows with Amazon StepFunctions
Workflows with Google Cloud Composer
Workflows with IBM Composer
Workflows with Fission
FaaS orchestration of parallel workflows, Gerard Paris, et al.
Heterogeneous hierarchical workflow composition (Rosa Badia et al)
Comparison of FaaS orchestration systems (by Pedro Garcia Lopez et al)
In search of fast and efficient serverless DAG engine, by Benjamin Carver, et al.
FunctionBench: A suite of workloads for serverless cloud function services
Exploration of Workflow management Systems Emerging Features from Users Perspectives
Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems
FaaSm: stateful serverless computing
CRUCIAL: buillding stateful distributed applications with serverless architectures, by. Daniel Barcelona-Pons, et al.
Cloudburst statful serverless computing
Distributed Programming allgemein Object-oriented choreographic programming, Saverio Giallorenzo et al.
REScala: Bridging between object-oriented and functional style in reactive applications
A fault-tolerant programming model for distributed interactive applications
Scheduling Multiple workflow scheduling with offloading tasks to edge cloud
MCDS: AI augmented workflow scheduling in mobile edge cloud computing systems
Addressing application latency requirements through edge scheduling
Task offloading for mobile edge computing in software defined ultra-dense network
Microservices scheduling model over heterogeneous cloud-edge environments as support for IoT applications
Online job dispatching and scheduling in edge-clouds
A data-replica placement strategy for IoT workflows in collaborative edge and cloud environments
Dynamic scheduling for sotchastic edge-cloud computing environments using A3C learning and residual recurrent neural networks
A task scheduling strategy in edge-cloud collaborative scenario based on deadline
IoT-Edge without the cloud Picasso: A lightweight edge computing platform
Incremental deployment and migration of geo-distributed situation awareness applications in the fog
Tasklets: better than best-effort computing
Adaptive extreme edge computing for wearable devices
Memristors: from in-memory computing, deep learning acceleration, an spking neural networks
Application development for neuromorphic computing
Resource management Resource managemeent in fog/edge computing: a survey on architectures, infrastructure, and algorithms
HUNTER:  AI based holistic resource management for sustainable cloud computing
Disaggregated datacenters
LegoOS: a disseminated, distributed OS for Hardware Resource Disaggregration
EdgeOS: an edge operating system
Resource management approaches in fog computing: a comprehensive review
ENORM: a framework for edge node resource management
Resource management at the network edge: a deep reinforcement learning approach
Connecting and managing a large number of of IoT devices: Azure IoT Hub
Holistic resource managment for sustainable and reliable cloud computing
Automated fine-grained cpu cap control in serverless computing platform
Deadline-based dynmaic resource allocation and provisioning algorithms in fog-cloud environment
A dynamic resource controller for a lambda architecture
Amoeba: Qos-awareness and reduced resource usage of microservices with serverless computing
Holistic resource management for sustainable and reliable cloud computing
A holistic view on resource management in serverless computing environments
Distributed and Local Storage IBM cloud object storage project
Plasma object storage from apache arrow: local per-node cache
Infinispan: cluster based caching
RUCIO: scientific data management
CRUCIAL distributed shared objects: https://github.com/danielBCN/crucial-dso
Cassandra: a decentralized structured storage system
dataClay: distributed data storage system
Local-first software: your own data, in spite of the cloud
Gaia-X: european-driven data-infrastructure for the computing contninuum
Verschiedenes Galaxy: open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research (galaxyproject.org)
Towards a cognitive compute continuum: an architecture for ad-hoc self-managed swarms
Roadmap for Edge AI
6G White Paper on Edge Intelligence
A cloud-edge collabotation frarmework for cognitive service
cloudevents and platforms that implement them for the edge/cloud continuum
Swarm intelligence for the computing continuum
Software, tools, and respositories for code mining (D3.1 from the Morphemic EU project)
A survey on edge performance benchmarking, Blesso Varghese et al.
New Directions in Cloud programming, A. Cheung et al
Consistency analysis in Bloom: ca CALM and collected approach
CAMEL: Cloud application modellling and execution language
PLEDGER: benchmarking for the cloud
Riotbench: an IoT benchmark for distributed stream processing systems.
Unikraft OS toolki8t for lightweight OS images


T. Fahringer, Institut für Informatik, Universität Innsbruck