
Philipp is head of the Research Center HPC at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He graduated in the Doctoral Programme Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling in Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, focusing on performance and energy analysis and optimization of parallel programs. Philipp’s main interests lie in research and training in high performance computing and scientific computing, including adjacent topics such as programming model design, runtime systems, or compiler research. He collaborated in multiple national and international projects (e.g. H2020 PRACE-6IP, EuroHPC LIGATE, H2020 AllScale, numerous PRACE and EuroHPC Access projects, CHIST-ERA GEMSCLAIM, FWF/DST EASE, FFG AutoCore) and co-organized multiple international conferences.


  • High Performance Computing
  • Scientific Computing
  • Parallel Software and Hardware Architectures


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2017

    University of Innsbruck

  • MSc in Computer Science, 2010

    University of Innsbruck


  • I’ve been asked to serve as program committee member for ASHPC 2025 (June 2024)
  • Our joint paper with Sascha Hammes and Philipp Zech on analyzing artificial lighting energy demand using HPC was accepted at BSA 2024 (May 2024)
  • I’m joining the executive committee of the PARS group of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) and the Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) (May 2024)
  • We conducted the first Euregio Hackaprompt Challenge at the University of Trento, Italy - great success and a lot of fun (April 2024)
  • We’ve started our FFG Digital Pro Bootcamp on Performanceoriented Software (April 2024)
  • Our joint paper with Klaus Liedl and Monica Fernández-Quintero on protein folding and unfolding dynamics was published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (February 2024)
  • I’m organizing a quantum system-focused mini-symposium with Vincenzo De Maio (February 2024)
  • Got invited to co-organize eScience again, 2024 in Kobe, Japan (January 2024)
  • My FFG Bootcamp proposal was accepted, we’ll be training 19 attendees from 12 companies in performance-oriented software engineering (December 2023)
  • Got elected together with Johannes Gerstmayr and Thomas Hofer to join Alexander Ostermann in leading the Research Area Scientific Computing (November 2023)
  • I’m joining the department’s advisory council (November 2023)

Recent Projects

Bootcamp POS Tirol

FFG (2024)


EUREGIO (2024)


PRACE Access (2020-2023)


H2020 (2019-2022)


FFG (2018-2021)


EuroHPC (2021-2023)


FFG (2023-2026)


H2020 (2015-2018)


DACH (2017-2021)

Recent & Upcoming Talks & Courses

VSC OpenMP Training Course April 2024

VSC/PRACE OpenMP Training Course December 2023

Sustainability in CS: Green HPC: Paving the Way for Sustainable Supercomputing

Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.

Celerity-RSim - Porting Light Propagation Simulation to Accelerator Clusters using a High-Level API

The Role of Force Fields and Water Models in Protein Folding and Unfolding Dynamics

Community Service


  • Organizer of the International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (2025)
  • Member of the advisory board of the Department of Computer Science (2023-2025)
  • Co-Organizer of the HCQS - Hybrid Classical Quantum Systems Mini-Symposium (2024)
  • Co-Organizer of the EUREGIO Hackaprompt Challenge (2024)
  • Co-Organizer of the IEEE International Conference on eScience (2021-2024)
  • Member of the Curriculumskommission for Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics (MIP) @ UIBK (2019-)
  • Co-Organizer of the PRACE Winter School 2021 - GPU Programming with CUDA (2021)
  • Co-Organizer of the EUREGIO HPCDSI School (2020)
  • Co-Organizer of the PRACE Winter School 2020 - GPU Programming with CUDA (2020)

Committee Member

  • PC member of ASHPC - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting (2025)
  • Review Committee member for National Supercomputing Centre (VSC)
  • PC member of EuroPar - Int. Europ. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing (2023-2025)
  • PC member of UCC - Utility and Cloud Computing (2023)
  • PC member of eScience - Int. Conf. on eScience (2021, 2023)
  • PC member of CCGrid - Int. Symp. on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (2017, 2019-2022)
  • Artifact evaluation committee member of CF - Int. Conf. on Computing Frontiers (2020)
  • PC member of PDP - Int. Conf. on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (2015-2020)
  • PC member of eScience 2020 (cancelled due to Covid-19)
  • Poster Committee member of HPDC - Int. Symp. on High Performance Distributed Computing (2017)
  • PC member of FiCloud - Int. Conf. on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (2016)

Journal Reviewer

  • Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC)
  • Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)
  • Computing (Springer)
  • Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  • Journal of Grid Computing
  • Journal of Cloud Computing

Conference Reviewer

IPDPS (2022, 2020-2019), CCGrid (2021-2019, 2017), PDP (2020-2015), CF (2020-2018), Euro-Par (2020, 2017-2016, 2013), PASA (2018), ANDARE (2017), HPDC (2017, 2018), MCSoc (2016), FiCloud (2016), ICPE (2016), PACT (2015), UCC (2014), SBAC-PAD (2014), ICS (2014), IMPACT (2014), CLUSTER (2012), SC (2011), PARCO (2011)
