
Cloud Application Development and Computing Environment


GridARM: Askalon's Grid Resource Management System


Abstract This document describes Java APIs for MDS and NWS and example usage.  


This package provides Java APIs for Globus MDS and NWS service. The package can be used to accessdifferent attributes associated with grid resources especially compute resources. The package is developed under the assumption that MDS2, MDS4 and/or NWS service is properly configured and running, and someparameters are supplied or available under default configuration. COG INSTALL PATH/lib/*.jar must be in the class path along with JavaNWS.jar and gridarm common.jar.
Important Classes Following classes are important for discovering resources and resource attributes.

ResourceDiscoverer This is an abstract class. It provides following methods to access resource information by using a driver forGIS.

  • public public ResourceSpecificationSet discover(): discovers all registered resources along with all foundattributes.
  • public ResourceSpecificationSet discover(String name): discovers attributes of a single resource givenas 'name'.
  • public ResourceSpecificationSet discover(String[] attributes) Discovers all resources and returns onlygiven attributes.
  • public abstract ResourceSpecificationSet discover(ResourceRequest rq) this is abstract method andmust be implemented by the driver class.
  • public static ResourceDiscoverer getResourceDiscoverer(DiscovererContext context): This method isused to load appropriate driver for a GIS based on the name provided in the context.

DiscovererContext Used to load a particular ResourceDiscoverer. Here are useful methods to set configuration parameters forresource discoverer.

  • public void setName(String name): (required) sets name of the information service to be used forresource discovering. e.g. mds2, NWS, mds4
  • public void setPort(int port): (optional)i sets port for information service. e.g 2135 in case mds2
  • public void setBaseName(String baseName): (optional) used to set base dn for Ldap in case of mds2 service.  
  • public void setAddress(String address): sets host address. e.g. the name/address of MDS index server, or address NWS NS host.  
  • public String getSchemaType(): (optional) sets schema type possible values in case of MDS2 are glue or default. It is not used for NWS.  
  • public void setQueryType(String queryType): sets query type. eg RSL, XPATH or Basic. Right now only basic is used.
ResourceRequest This class is used to manipulate a resource query. Constraints can be set using a setRelation or setter methods for attributes. e.g. request.setRelation(Constants.CPU AVAULABLE, "4", Relation.MIN) is equivalent to the RSL relation (cpuAvailable >= 4) Or request.setRelation(Constants.HOST NAME, "xyz", Relation.EXACT) is equivalent to request.setRelation(Constants.HOST_NAME, "xyz") or request.setHostName("xyz") and RSL (HostName=xyz). Use HostRequest class for compute resource hosts. See class methods and Constants for possible available relations.

ResourceSpecification The discover method of resource discoverer returns resource speci cation set which can be iterated to access/ traverse specifications returned for all or a set of resources. See class ResourceSpeci cation, HostSpecification

Grid Information Services


Mds2 service can be used for both default or glue schema. The possible attributes which can be retrieved are listed in Constants class, or given in HostSpeci cation class as setter/getter methods. The following parameters should be supplied with DiscovererContext or con gured as default.  
  • HOST_NAME: Name or address of MDS index server.  
  • PORT: port number of index service  
  • BASE_DN: Base domain name  
  • SCHEMA_TYPE: Possible values are default | glue. Defaults to default

Default configuration The default con guration can be retrieved by using DiscovererContext.defaultContext() static method. For HOST, PORT and BASE DN, the method tries to retrieve values from grid-info.conf fon guration  le, which is present in the GLOBUS LOCATION/etc directory. For it to work, you should pass GLOBUS LOCATION as system property using -D  ag at java command line. The property name should be org.globus.wsrf.container.webroot as it is being used in GT4 (WSRF) implementation. If you cannot pass this option as command line, then you can create a symbolic link to GLOBUS LOCATION as 'globus' in your home directory. If this is also not possible then simply copy grid-info.conf  le in  /.globus/etc.
Usage For example-usage please see the class

    DiscovererContext ctx = DiscovererContext.defaultContext();
    if (dname != null) {
    if (schema != null) {

    if (host != null) {

    if (bdn != null) {

    ResourceDiscoverer rd = ResourceDiscoverer.getResourceDiscoverer(ctx);
    ResourceSpecificationSet rsset =;

    Iterator itr = rss.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      HostSpecification host = (HostSpecification);
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      sb.append("\nHost Specification:\n-------------------\n  Contact:");
      sb.append("\n\tName: ").append(host.getName());
      sb.append("\n\tType: ").append(host.getType());
      sb.append("\n\tLRM Type: ").append(host.getLRMType());
      sb.append("\n\tAccess Point: ").append(host.getAccessPoint());

      sb.append("\n  OS: ");
      sb.append("\n\tName: ").append(host.getOsName());
      sb.append("\n\tVersion: ").append(host.getOsVersion());
      sb.append("\n\tRelease: ").append(host.getOsRelease());

      sb.append("\n  CPU:");
      sb.append("\n\tCount: ").append(host.getCpuCount());
      sb.append("\n\tSpeed: ").append(host.getCpuSpeed());
      sb.append("\n\tAvailable: ").append(host.getCpuAvailable());
      sb.append("\n\tCurrent: ").append(host.getCpuCurrent());

      sb.append("\n  Platform:");
      sb.append("\n\tName: ").append(host.getPlatform());
      sb.append("\n\tArchitecture: ").append(host.getArchitechture());

      sb.append("\n  Filesystem:");
      sb.append("\n\tCount: ").append(host.getFSCount());
      sb.append("\n\tTotal MB: ").append(host.getFSTotal());
      sb.append("\n\tFree MB: ").append(host.getFSFree());

      Enumeration e = host.deviceNames();
      while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        String dname = (String)e.nextElement();
        sb.append("\n  Device:").append(dname);



Currently nws service can be used to access cpuAvailable, cpuCurrent of registered hosts. The information can be queried for all registered hosts or for a subset of registered host. If the con gured properly bandwidth and latency values can be retrieved between a registered host and other target system. Inorder to work, the following parameters should be supplied or con gured as default;
  • NWS_NAME_SERVER (Required) The host name or IP address of the NWS name server is required. It can be supplied during initialization of nws driver for resource discoverer as described in example usage.
  • NWS_MEMORY_HOST (Optional) This is optional, parameter. It represents the nws memory server's name or address.

Default con guration TBD

usage The following example describe a simple usage for nws service. It takes "" as nws nameserver and  nds NWS driver by using ResourceDiscoverer.gerResourceDiscoverer(ctx) method.
iscovererContext ctx = new DiscovererContext();
ctx.setAddress(""); // NWS NS

ResourceDiscoverer nws = ResourceDiscoverer.gerResourceDiscoverer(ctx);
ResourceRequest request = new ResourceRequest();
request.setCpuAvailable(1.5, Relation.MIN);

ResourceSpecificationSet rss =;
Iterator itr = rss.iterator();
while (itr.hasNex()) {
  HostSpecification hs = (HostSpecification);
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