
Cloud Application Development and Computing Environment


GridARM: Askalon's Grid Resource Management System


For Simple MDS/NWS API Usage:  html, PDF

User's Perspective

Starting service container
  • Change directory to $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin
  • Run the command globus-start-container [-p port]

Invoking Broker:
  • Change directory to $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin
  • Run the command gridarm-broker, Here is the usage of the command.


    gridarm-broker <select | allocate | confirm> [OPTIONS]


    • select: This command selects resource based on given constraints in the form of relations, and returns list of selected resources
    • allocate:This command performs resource selection and allocation, and returns reservation instances for all selected resources
    • confirm:This command performs resource selection, allocation and then confirmation as an atomic transaction and returns tickets for all reservation of resources.


    • -service: broker service url for example: -service

    • -type: resource type

    • -relations: Collon separated list of relations/constraints in the format "count >= 2:availableCpu > 2.5"

    • -name: Resource name

    • -count: Number of resources to be selected,allocated or confirmed

Programmer's Perspective is the main client class which can be used to interact with the GridARM system. See API for the class overivew.

The user need to know broker service EndpointReferenceType or URL, which can be used to initialize the GridResourceBroker class.

For method invocation, client programmer needs to manipulate ResourceRequest, the usage of the ResourceRequest class is given in the  api-usage.


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