Completed Theses





Cronos 2.0: Distributed Memory AMR Parallelization with MPI Samuel Plangger Philipp Gschwandtner
Using a Raspberry Pi as an Edge device Lukas Dötlinger Fedor Smirnov
AFCL Environment – Development and Scalable Execution of Portable Function Choreographies Across Multiple Serverless Cloud Platforms Stefan Pedratscher Sashko Ristov SS2021
VolatileSim: A simulation framework for cloud volatile resources Christoph Schöpf Sashko Ristov SS2020
Distributed GPGPU on Cloud GPU Clusters Martin Schuchardt Sashko Ristov SS2019
WebCL@home: Volunteer Computing with WebCL Michael Gasser Biagio Cosenza
Scalable Lighting for Global Illumination Michael Walch Biagio Cosenza
Code Region Instrumentation for Energy Consumption Measurements Thomas Eiter Radu Prodan
Scientific computing in the Cloud with Apache Hadoop Martin Illecker Radu Prodan
Finite element method on GPU using OpenCL Manfred Gratt Radu Prodan, Klaus Kofler
OpenCL: Matrix Library Adi Schütz, Richard Weinberger Herbert Jordan, Radu Prodan
Parallel sorting algorithms in OpenCL Martin Thaler Radu Prodan
Workflow design provenance system for ASKALON Friedrich Wachter Radu Prodan
Cloud security framework Georg Bader Simon Ostermann WS12
Multimedia social networking platform Dietmar WieserMargit Mutschlechner Vlad Nae SS12
Simulation of large and dense crowds on the GPU using OpenCL Helmut Duregger Radu Prodan WS11
Scientific computing in the Cloud with Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure Michael Sperk Radu Prodan WS11
Development of a software runtime tool using dynamic instrumentation Matthias Janetschek Radu Prodan WS11
A (very) detailed investigation of transport layer APIs Stefan Joerer Radu Prodan, Michael Welzl WS 11
Simulation of Workflow-Based Grid and Cloud Computing within ASKALON D. Bodner ; G. Kraler Ostermann S., Plankensteiner K., Prodan R. WS 11
Porting the Montage Workflow to ASKALON Markus Brejla Radu Prodan WS 10
Grid Security in the Askalon Environment Johann Siegele Radu Prodan WS 09/10
Erlang-B und Erweiterungen: Zusammenfassung theoretischer Grundlagen und Entwicklung eines Analyse-Tools Bernhard Hotter Stefan Podlipnig SS 09
Analyse des Sendeverhaltens von Streaming Media Servern durch gezieltes Feedback Richard Spindler Michael Welzl (Sven Hessler) WS 08/09 
AGWL based Workflow Modeling and Model Checking Hannes Gruber Thomas Fahringer (Jun Qin)
Comparison of overhead in different Grid environments Thomas Zangerl Max Berger WS 08/09 
Instabilitaet von Entscheidungsbaumalgorithmen Evelyn Schgaguler Stefan Podlipnig WS 08/09 
A critical evaluation of explicit feedback for congestion Armin Abfalterer Michael Welzl (Kashif Munir) SS 08
Movie Rendering on the Grid using Blender Sarah Löw Radu Prodan SS 08 
Grid Computing from Private Networks using Web and Proxy Technologies Bernd Sint Radu Prodan SS 08 
SCTP for the Grid Christoph Sereinig Michael Welzl SS 08 
Execution Engine for Grid Workflows Kassian Plankensteiner Radu Prodan WS 07/08 
Porting of Scientific Workflow Applications onto the Austrian Grid Bernhard Trawöger Radu Prodan WS 07/08 
Performance Analysis of Workflows in Askalon Simon Ostermann Radu Prodan WS 07/08 
Comprehensive Grid-Net Simulation of Workflow Applications Rene Plattner Michael Welzl WS 07/08 
Estimating Execution Times in a Grid Environment Wolfgang Beikircher Stefan Podlipnig SS 07 
Spurious timeouts Thomas Raffler Michael Welzl SS 07 
TCP mit Corruption Option Mattia Rossi Michael Welzl WS 06/07 
Ad-hoc Grid with LiveCD Technology: DVDGrid Peter Brunner Alex Villazon WS 06/07 
Replica Location Service to Support File Management in a Grid Workflow Application Gregor Mair Alex Villazon SS 04