Title |
Student |
Supervisor |
Finished |
Cronos 2.0: Distributed Memory AMR Parallelization with MPI | Samuel Plangger | Philipp Gschwandtner | |
Using a Raspberry Pi as an Edge device | Lukas Dötlinger | Fedor Smirnov | |
AFCL Environment – Development and Scalable Execution of Portable Function Choreographies Across Multiple Serverless Cloud Platforms | Stefan Pedratscher | Sashko Ristov | SS2021 |
VolatileSim: A simulation framework for cloud volatile resources | Christoph Schöpf | Sashko Ristov | SS2020 |
Distributed GPGPU on Cloud GPU Clusters | Martin Schuchardt | Sashko Ristov | SS2019 |
WebCL@home: Volunteer Computing with WebCL | Michael Gasser | Biagio Cosenza | |
Scalable Lighting for Global Illumination | Michael Walch | Biagio Cosenza | |
Code Region Instrumentation for Energy Consumption Measurements | Thomas Eiter | Radu Prodan | |
Scientific computing in the Cloud with Apache Hadoop | Martin Illecker | Radu Prodan | |
Finite element method on GPU using OpenCL | Manfred Gratt | Radu Prodan, Klaus Kofler | |
OpenCL: Matrix Library | Adi Schütz, Richard Weinberger | Herbert Jordan, Radu Prodan | |
Parallel sorting algorithms in OpenCL | Martin Thaler | Radu Prodan | |
Workflow design provenance system for ASKALON | Friedrich Wachter | Radu Prodan | |
Cloud security framework | Georg Bader | Simon Ostermann | WS12 |
Multimedia social networking platform | Dietmar WieserMargit Mutschlechner | Vlad Nae | SS12 |
Simulation of large and dense crowds on the GPU using OpenCL | Helmut Duregger | Radu Prodan | WS11 |
Scientific computing in the Cloud with Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure | Michael Sperk | Radu Prodan | WS11 |
Development of a software runtime tool using dynamic instrumentation | Matthias Janetschek | Radu Prodan | WS11 |
A (very) detailed investigation of transport layer APIs | Stefan Joerer | Radu Prodan, Michael Welzl | WS 11 |
Simulation of Workflow-Based Grid and Cloud Computing within ASKALON | D. Bodner ; G. Kraler | Ostermann S., Plankensteiner K., Prodan R. | WS 11 |
Porting the Montage Workflow to ASKALON | Markus Brejla | Radu Prodan | WS 10 |
Grid Security in the Askalon Environment | Johann Siegele | Radu Prodan | WS 09/10 |
Erlang-B und Erweiterungen: Zusammenfassung theoretischer Grundlagen und Entwicklung eines Analyse-Tools | Bernhard Hotter | Stefan Podlipnig | SS 09 |
Analyse des Sendeverhaltens von Streaming Media Servern durch gezieltes Feedback | Richard Spindler | Michael Welzl (Sven Hessler) | WS 08/09 |
AGWL based Workflow Modeling and Model Checking | Hannes Gruber | Thomas Fahringer (Jun Qin) | |
Comparison of overhead in different Grid environments | Thomas Zangerl | Max Berger | WS 08/09 |
Instabilitaet von Entscheidungsbaumalgorithmen | Evelyn Schgaguler | Stefan Podlipnig | WS 08/09 |
A critical evaluation of explicit feedback for congestion | Armin Abfalterer | Michael Welzl (Kashif Munir) | SS 08 |
Movie Rendering on the Grid using Blender | Sarah Löw | Radu Prodan | SS 08 |
Grid Computing from Private Networks using Web and Proxy Technologies | Bernd Sint | Radu Prodan | SS 08 |
SCTP for the Grid | Christoph Sereinig | Michael Welzl | SS 08 |
Execution Engine for Grid Workflows | Kassian Plankensteiner | Radu Prodan | WS 07/08 |
Porting of Scientific Workflow Applications onto the Austrian Grid | Bernhard Trawöger | Radu Prodan | WS 07/08 |
Performance Analysis of Workflows in Askalon | Simon Ostermann | Radu Prodan | WS 07/08 |
Comprehensive Grid-Net Simulation of Workflow Applications | Rene Plattner | Michael Welzl | WS 07/08 |
Estimating Execution Times in a Grid Environment | Wolfgang Beikircher | Stefan Podlipnig | SS 07 |
Spurious timeouts | Thomas Raffler | Michael Welzl | SS 07 |
TCP mit Corruption Option | Mattia Rossi | Michael Welzl | WS 06/07 |
Ad-hoc Grid with LiveCD Technology: DVDGrid | Peter Brunner | Alex Villazon | WS 06/07 |
Replica Location Service to Support File Management in a Grid Workflow Application | Gregor Mair | Alex Villazon | SS 04 |