Available Theses

Title Student(s) Supervisor Description
Extension of a novel programming language for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum 1 or 2 Juan Aznar, Marlon Etheredge details
Distributing High-Impact Scientific Workflows with Apollo 1 Juan Aznar details
Event-based Invocation of Workflow Applications on the Edge 1 Juan Aznar details
Detecting critical events on smart buildings using edge-cloud resources 1 Juan Aznar details
Python Frontend for Serverless Workflows 1 Juan Aznar details
Additional List of Bachelor Theses offered by Peter Thoman
Peter Thoman details

Title Extension of a novel programming language for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum
Number of students  1 or 2, 2 preferred
Language  English
Supervisors  Juan Aznar, Marlon Etheredge
Description  For a novel programming model for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum, we require an extension of our system, focusing on developer tools to ease the development of applications. In this project, the topics under tasks are explored and researched.
  • Visual programming languages, to provide a visual counterpart to an existing language.
  • Validation/verification of applications written in the language.
  • Live visualization and performance analysis of deployed applications.
  • Development of novel use cases/applications using the programming model and comparison against other well-known programming models.
Theoretical skills
  • Cloud Computing
  • Visual Programming Languages
  • Validation/Verification
Practical skills
  • Java Programming
  • General Software Development Skills
Additional information The scope of the project can encompass multiple topics. We prefer two students working on the same project.
Inspiration can be derived from NodeRED, Simulink, Ballerina.

Title Distributing High-Impact Scientific Workflows with Apollo
Number of students 1
Language English
Supervisors Juan Aznar
Description In this thesis, you should execute two to three real scientific workflows (WF) using the FaaS paradigm through the Apollo runtime system [1] and do research with real biological and experimental input datasets. For instance, the 1000genome [2] WF enables identifying genome mutations according to numerous population features for the later study of associated diseases. Another example is Cycles (CW) [3], which is one of the most environmental-friendly workflows. Basically, CW simulates agricultural experiments that enable scientists to evaluate the behavior of crops under different environmental conditions, protecting nature from unnecessary and damaging tests and promoting sustainable agriculture while saving vast amounts of time and resources.[1] https://apollowf.github.io/learn.html
[2] https://github.com/wfcommons/pegasus-instances/tree/master/1000genome
[3] https://github.com/wfcommons/pegasus-instances/tree/master/cycles
  • Port the tasks of different (two or three) scientific WFs onto an edge/cloud infrastructure and orchestrate them with Apollo in a distributed fashion.
  • Process and prepare experimental datasets to be used as WF input.
  • Study the performance (e.g., time, cost, memory and energy consumption) and scalability of the executed WF for different hardware settings (e.g., edge, cloud, both) and data input sizes.
  • Optimize the performance of the WF execution and explain performance behavior.
Theoretical skills Cloud computing, FaaS, Serverless
Practical skills Java, Python (Biopython, Pandas, Numpy), git, GitHub
Additional information

Title Event-based Invocation of Workflow Applications on the Edge
Number of students 1
Language English
Supervisors Juan Aznar
Description In this thesis you will execute realistic complex tasks and data processing as workflow applications [1] on an edge-cloud infrastructure. To this end, you should trigger the execution of workflows in Apollo [2] using event data in common format [3] (i.e., name, source, type, kind, correlation, dataOnly, and metadata fields), thus providing interoperability across services, platforms and systems. There is numerous event frameworks. In this thesis, you should systematically compare and then select based on the following requirements:
(i) runs on IoT, edge and cloud,
(ii) can be configured for arbitrary events,
(iii) scales for large events,
(iv) builds on cloud events standard [3], and
(v) is open-source.[1] https://github.com/serverlessworkflow/
[2] https://apollowf.github.io/learn.html
[3] https://github.com/cloudevents/spec
  • Rigorously study different event frameworks or platforms.
  • Create one or more workflows whose tasks will be orchestrated by Apollo in a distributed fashion. Optionally you can propose your own workflow application.
  • Integrate Apollo with your selected event infrastructure
  • Define a set of important events and invoke the above mentioned workflows
  • Stress the system with different amount of events and analyze the resulting performance.
Theoretical skills Cloud computing, Serverless, Docker
Practical skills Java, Python, git, GitHub, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or any other IoT/Edge hardware
Additional information

Title Detecting critical events on smart buildings using edge-cloud resources
Number of students 1
Language English
Supervisors Juan Aznar
Description The goal of this bachelor thesis is to develop fully operational edge devices used to recognize critical events on smart buildings (SB), such as fire, smoke, water leakages, inadequate social distance, unmasked people, among others. Edge devices should be implemented by using commercial and low cost devices (e.g., Raspberry Pi [1]), (thermal) cameras, and Open-Source Machine Learning (ML) libraries [2]. The smart building should react immediately and act in consequence when undesired events occur. To this end, edge devices will be orchestrated by the Apollo system [3] to exploit parallelism, scalability, and load balancing.[1] https://www.raspberrypi.com/
[2] https://opencv.org/
[3] https://apollowf.github.io/learn.html
  • Use Raspberry Pi as an edge device and execute serverless functions.
  • Detection and recognize different critical events using a camera and open-source ML libraries.
  • Create one or more simple workflows (WF) whose tasks will be orchestrated by Apollo in a distributed fashion.
  • Deploy the designed WF to the edge cloud infrastructure mentioned above (Raspberry Pis and (thermal) cameras).
  • Study the performance and scalability of the proposed solution under different levels of stress on the SB (e.g., multiple fires, smoke and crowding at a time).
  • Extensively test with multiple data sets on various hardware settings.
Theoretical skills Cloud computing, Serverless, Machine Learning, Electronics
Practical skills Python, git, GitHub
Additional information

Title Python Frontend for Serverless Workflows
Number of students 1
Language English
Supervisors Juan Aznar
Description Apollo (https://apollowf.github.io/) is the DPS research orchestration and runtime system for Edge-Cloud infrastructures. We are using AFCL (https://apollowf.github.io/learn.html) to describe serverless workflows for distributed applications. As part of this thesis, you will have to create a Python version for AFCL thus application developers can create Python programs to build workflows instead of using AFCL directly. Furthermore, you have to create a transformation system that automatically converts the Python programs into AFCL which is input to APOLLO.
  • Create a Python specification that fully represents the AFCL language constructs thus all AFCL programs can also be represented by this Python specification. Every AFCL program thus should have a Python representation.
  • There are multiple solution paths to this problem, for instance, building a parser or a transformation system that converts the Python representation into AFCL. Other solutions may be possible as well.
  • Your solution should be modular and easy to extend in case of any changes to AFCL.
  • Convert at least 3 AFCL use cases into the Python representation.
Theoretical skills
Practical skills Advanced Python programmer, git and GitHub, JSON or YAML
Additional information It is not mandatory but of great help if you passed the lecture and PS on Verteilte Systeme in the computer science bachelor program.This Bachelor Thesis will be supervised by Juan Aznar (IFI/DPS).The student will have the opportunity to work with a state-of-the-art Apollo Edge-Cloud infrastructure. The developed Python frontend will be reused for international projects and published as open-source. Collaborative work in an international project is possible if the student is interested. In the best case this work can also be published and student can travel to conference and present his/her work.